"Thank you Hussein as I was overwhelmed with long to-do lists on literally 8 different sticky notes, was not prioritizing my time effectively and was only making 6 figures annually in the business. Now thanks to you, the business is making 7 figures and a grown up to 60% annually."
"You helped me with my business, I now have two employees andhave projects I could never have imagined I’d be doing.I learned how to use my time wisely, how to make decisions well and how to take control of my emotions and speak up. Before coaching I was ‘nice’, I was stressed and slow to make decisions, I know understand what it actually means to be kind and take control.I was overweight, embarrassed, and tired, I struggled to find comfortable clothes to wear when going out with my wife, I wore jackets to cover up, I didn’t think it was possible to lose weight.I’m preparing for another marathon, those around me know Irun and I know I’m determined and focused, I’m confident, I’m know I’m capable of anything I put mind too.I’m now sharing advice with people, basically what I’ve learnt from yourself Hussein, fast forward, I have a fun and loving relationship with my wife and we have two beautiful little girls.Various areas, more just providing me with direction and clarity around whatI'm doing on a weekly basis (e.g. should I employee someone, I have a course I'd like to create, feeling tired, managing a team etc). can cover a broadscope."
"Thank you Hussein I was with (only) a great business idea but only "banked thank yous" from my prospects but had few clients, and now I launched a successful subscription business with pretty good of revenue quickly . I have a system in place for my entire system that I can now optimize through my RPM and regularly check with you to continuously improve my business."
"Culture in my company is all around better, no one can steamroll the boss any more, before I would feel guilty and people knew exactly what buttons to push, and now I don’t let it happen, I don’t feel guilty about it any more either Flat line on revenue. BUT even though we have less calls, we have the same revenue. We have 20% less calls this year due to recession, and our revenue is the same as year to date in 2023.Morale was down when I left Cranbrook, I enabled the management team stepped up, they were able to coach their team better, I don’t need to be the micro manager anymore, I can now coach 1 person, and they coach4, I learnt the power of leveraging which = our conversion rates are up about 30%, average transaction value is up 2x (double) I would always get steam rolled all the time by clients and staff, now before I have a conversation where I potentially will get steamrolled, I know what is coming, and now I get mentally prepared, and I don’t get steam rolled at all any more. Before I would ask "Is this conversation even worth my time".Before I had guys who would demand a raise, now they leave with no raise and work more hours and happy about it, now I learned how to show up. I am getting better at identifying scenarios before they happen and being the right person, even in my personal life, my wife gets frustrated and I show up right for her to. Every problem or issue that arises is usually quite simple, break it down and show up as the person who is meant to solve it."
"As a result of my 1 on 1 coaching with Hussein , I am earning 67% more by the analysis of the last 12 months(achieving my 7 figures goal), have been recognised as a key leader within the business, and as a result recently promoted to Managing Director of my business line. Working with Hussein has taught me how to approach key challenges and overcome them and I am now better equipped to deal with daily pressures that come with greater responsibility.Thanks Hussein!I started coaching because I knew I was capable of much more than I was achieving both financially and at home. I would say the biggest positive change at this point has come in my professional life - bothfinancially and in my specific role within the company I work for - a publiclylisted US based commercial real estate agency. You have helped me realize what it means to be a leader andwhat it takes (and doesn’t take sometimes!) in order to be at your best - foryou and those around you. Coaching has opened my eyes to developing pathways to pursue goals."
"Gave me the kick up the bum to invoice for work and have the price conversation, when I would have normally have not charged due to my fear."